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Creek Hill Nursery

17 West Main Street
Leola, PA 17540

Notable Additions to Our 2024 Program

Every year we introduce over 50 new cultivars to our active production. Each one has a good reason behind it, but several cultivars stand head and shoulders above the rest. Here’s a quick rundown of our most interesting additions. These plants can be ordered through your favorite broker or through the Creek Hill shopping cart. We also accept orders directly via email or phone.

Agapanthus 'Northern Star'

Finally! An Agapanthus we can plant in East Coast gardens! Ordinarily, the genus is too tender to overwinter in the soil but 'Northern Star' is different. Yes, the look is classic, with globes of dark blue star-shaped flowers sitting on tall stems in midsummer; however, the plant itself is hardy up to Zone 6. That includes Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, downstate New York, and most of Pennsylvania. A British development, this cultivar has taken hold in Europe. Now we bring it over for American audiences. An important detail: it’s rabbit and deer resistant.

Polemonium 'Golden Feathers'

Polemonium Golden Feathers has several outstanding features, most notably the bright golden yellow color, especially very early on when it's cool. More green creeps in as the leaves age, but the center remains golden through the season. Under the hood are two other important features: stable variegation and sun performance. Yellow striping remains on the plant year after year, and it thrives in full sun so it’s especially successful in Southern gardens. Summer heat tolerance is surprisingly good, even in Alabama.
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NEW PROGRAM (full line)
LUP Westcountry Rachel de Thame 50
46 Trays
RUD Goldblitz 72
35 Trays
IBE Mermaid Lavender 72
34 Trays
DIA American Pie Berry a la Mode 72
34 Trays
ANE Frilly Knickers 50
32 Trays
SEM Colorockz Lemon Flare 21
30 Trays
POL Golden Feathers 50
26 Trays
PUL High Contrast 50
21 Trays
ECH Cara Mia Yellow 72
20 Trays
PYC muticum 72
19 Trays
SEM Colorockz Lemon Flare 72
17 Trays
FES Beyond Blue 50
16 Trays
SEM Colorockz Blushing Garnet 21
12 Trays
SEM Colorockz Emerald Swirl 21
12 Trays
HEU Red Dragon 21
11 Trays
PYC muticum 21
11 Trays
ECH Blue Glow 21
10 Trays
AGA Pink Pearl 72
8 Trays
POL Golden Feathers 21
6 Trays
HEU Red Dragon 72
4 Trays

Globes for the Garden

On the left is 'Lavender Bubbles', an Allium that blooms on the heels of the extremely popular 'Millenium'. When you plant the two together, 'Lavender Bubbles' doubles the blooming season of full stand. Since this is an ornamental onion, rabbits and deer steer clear. It’s good for dry gardens that rely on natural rain.

On the right is 'Blue Glow', popular in the floral trade for its distinctive pale blue globes and reputation as a high quality cut-and-dry flower. As it turns out, the plant is an exemplary garden citizen, blooming midsummer above surprisingly soft thistle-like foliage. We recommend this highly xeric variety for waterwise plantings.

Two Seasons of Color

A low-growing spurge often used in landscapes, Euphorbia 'Bonfire' provides two seasons of color. First comes the bloom of yellow flowers in spring, followed by the singular red tips that emerge afterward to mimic a second blooming cycle. Normally used as a groundcover, its tough nature makes it suitable as an ornamental perennial in decor pottery or a rock garden.

Echinacea CARA MIA 'Yellow'

Within the pom-style coneflowers, the best yellow belongs to Echinacea CARA MIA 'Yellow', in our opinion. The yellow is vibrant and the stem count is high, so one plant sets out a generous spread. Because the crown underneath is strong, the display lasts for a long time over the summer.

Two New Hellebores

A niger-style Hellebore, 'Walberton’s Rosemary' is the most saturated pink we’ve seen in the category. This plant naturally blooms mid-winter to late spring, depending on the mildness of your winters. It’s an ideal candidate for the gift market because the flowers are sterile. Bloom count is heavy and flowers last a very long time on the plant. Another key detail: the blooms face out, not down.

An unusual cross, 'Winterbells' blends two distinct species. From the foetidus parent, the flowers are cup-shaped and nod forward. From the niger parent, the stems are cinnamon brown. The combination grows low and wide, about 15 inches by two feet. Some Hellebores want to be a groundcover, and this is one of them. It stays evergreen anywhere the snow doesn’t last long.

Festuca 'Beyond Blue'

This photo says it all. Festuca 'Beyond Blue' doesn’t suffer the summer browning or leaf tip burn that occurs in other fescues. As a crop, it stays retail prime with bright and lively foliage much longer. In the garden, the plant doesn’t fall into summer dormancy so easily. Best foliage color occurs in full sun.

Two New Colorockz

Colorockz 'Coconut Crystal' is lime green and wine red, but the ratio changes through the year. At some point the deep burgundy nearly covers the plant; at other times, it shares with the lime green. A big root system means a big rosette, and also good landscape performance. Hardy to Zone 4 like all the varieties in the series.

This shade of lemon yellow-green is a rare sight among Sempervivums. Colorockz 'Lemon Flare' has it, cycling with a warm red in concentric rings on a wide rosette. The variety pups heavily, so pots are filled with alternating colors. A webbed center appears in the fall and disappears in the spring.

More than just the new.

Select from over 500 different perennials across 50 different genera.
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